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Amazon Bedrock

EasyLLM provides a client for interfacing with Amazon Bedrock models.

  • bedrock.ChatCompletion - a client for interfacing with Bedrock models that are compatible with the OpenAI ChatCompletion API.
  • bedrock.Completion - a client for interfacing with Bedrock models that are compatible with the OpenAI Completion API.
  • bedrock.Embedding - a client for interfacing with Bedrock models that are compatible with the OpenAI Embedding API.


The bedrock.ChatCompletion client is used to interface with Bedrock models running on Text Generation inference that are compatible with the OpenAI ChatCompletion API. Checkout the Examples

import os 
# set env for prompt builder
os.environ["BEDROCK_PROMPT"] = "anthropic" # vicuna, wizardlm, stablebeluga, open_assistant
os.environ["AWS_REGION"] = "us-east-1"  # change to your region
# os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = "XXX" # needed if not using boto3 session
# os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = "XXX" # needed if not using boto3 session

from easyllm.clients import bedrock

response = bedrock.ChatCompletion.create(
        {"role": "user", "content": "What is 2 + 2?"},

Supported parameters are:

  • model - The model to use for the completion. If not provided, defaults to the base url.
  • messages - List[ChatMessage] to use for the completion.
  • temperature - The temperature to use for the completion. Defaults to 0.9.
  • top_p - The top_p to use for the completion. Defaults to 0.6.
  • top_k - The top_k to use for the completion. Defaults to 10.
  • n - The number of completions to generate. Defaults to 1.
  • max_tokens - The maximum number of tokens to generate. Defaults to 1024.
  • stop - The stop sequence(s) to use for the completion. Defaults to None.
  • stream - Whether to stream the completion. Defaults to False.
  • debug - Whether to enable debug logging. Defaults to False.

Build Prompt

By default the bedrock client will try to read the BEDROCK_PROMPT environment variable and tries to map the value to the PROMPT_MAPPING dictionary. If this is not set, it will use the default prompt builder. You can also set it manually.

Checkout the Prompt Utils for more details.

manually setting the prompt builder:

from easyllm.clients import bedrock

bedrock.prompt_builder = "anthropic"

res = bedrock.ChatCompletion.create(...)

Using environment variable:

# can happen elsehwere
import os
os.environ["BEDROCK_PROMPT"] = "anthropic"

from easyllm.clients import bedrock